Had An Abortion? Read This.

By pintswaquinas June 12, 2023

If you’ve had an abortion and now regret it, the pain and guilt can overwhelm you. You may believe you’re beyond healing, but you’re not.

Many other women have been in your position, yet God’s love gave them new life and purpose. He can do the same for you.

Here are a few things you should know as you seek a path forward.

No matter what you’ve done, you are never beyond the mercy of God.
Maybe society convinced you that abortion was necessary for your physical and/or mental health. They made what, at the time, seemed like convincing arguments that the child in your womb wasn’t a human person.

Now you know the truth. But also know this: There is not a single repented sin that God cannot forgive.

As Jesus revealed to St. Faustina: “The greater the sinner, the greater the right he has to My mercy.” Jesus is calling you to offer Him everything, including your guilt over your abortion.

He is waiting to make you whole again. Turn to Him. It’s the only way you’ll find true healing.

Build community with other women who regret their abortions.
It may feel like you’re alone in your suffering. You may have family and friends trying to convince you that your abortion was the right decision.

In reality, there are many other women who have had abortions and repented of them. Hear their stories and build community with them. Contact your local parish or diocese about support groups for women like you.

Live Action’s Lila Rose has a new campaign called Can’t Stay Silent, where you can hear some first-hand accounts.

Know that we love you.
You’ll sometimes hear us speak very strongly about abortions, the doctors who perform them, and the politicians who campaign for them.

That comes from our love for the child and for you. Abortion also wounds you, the mother. The pro-choice community took advantage of you. Now many of them may turn their backs on you.

But we won’t. Know that we are praying for you and thinking about you.

Even now, God is drawing you deeper into His love, preparing you to spend eternity with Him in heaven.


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