Get Back Into Reading With These 3 Tips

By pintswaquinas May 9, 2023

Did you used to love reading, but then dropped it? Many people have, especially with social media taking up more of our free time.

If you want to start reading again, the following tips will help you ease back into this pleasurable pastime.


1. Start with fairy tales.
Fairy tales are a great way to retrain yourself to read. They’re delightful and don’t require as much brain power as other forms of literature.

It’s traditional to start youngsters off this way, then graduate to poetry and the classics. After treading this well-worn path, read C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. They both draw upon the millennia-old traditions of storytelling, so you’ll appreciate these authors better if you know the books that fed their imaginations.

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2. Listen to audiobooks.
Stories were originally passed on orally — whether around a campfire or from a grandparent in a rocking chair. There’s a power to oral storytelling that you can’t get from a book.

Many excellent books are available in audio form. This can be a great transition from not reading to consuming books. After listening to an audiobook, go and read the actual book. You’ll already have the story’s pattern in your head, which will make it easier to follow the text.

3. Create a dedicated reading nook.
While there’s something to be said about being able to read anywhere, a good reading environment goes a long way. Place a comfy chair in a quiet corner of your home. If you own enough books, display them on an attractive bookshelf, surrounded by inspirational decorations.

Few things are as delightful as sipping a good beverage as you read. Make sure you have a side table handy for your drink of choice.

Reading is simply too valuable a pastime for us to let it disappear. We’re all too glued to our phones. Let’s make some time to put them down and pick up a book!


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