Thinking About Homesteading? Here Are a Few Things to Keep in Mind

By pintswaquinas November 2, 2022

You would think that living in a world of technological wonders, easily accessible food, and a less physically demanding lifestyle than our ancestors would leave us satisfied.

Yet, there is incredible beauty in a life of self-sufficiency. That’s why homesteading is catching on, even with young adults. Plus, the sense of insecurity many of us feel with the current state of the world has made us realize that we can’t always depend on the outside world to provide for us — 2020 really hit that point home.

If you’re considering homesteading, here are a few things to keep in mind.

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1. Have a realistic perspective of what this means
As we said, homesteading is a beautiful way of life. But it’s not always a life of pure bliss among rolling green hills and beautiful cows.

It’s super hard work! Sometimes you may be walking those green hills. Other times, you’re trudging through mud, shoveling out animal houses, and dealing with an unruly chicken or goat.

But that’s actually part of the beauty of homesteading. It’s a real, honest life that produces concrete results. After a hard day’s work, you feel like you actually did something worthwhile. Sweat equity is a beautiful thing!

2. It’s best to start small
One of the biggest mistakes newbie homesteaders make is biting off more than they can chew. Maybe you’re feeling rushed to create your homestead empire with a dozen varieties of animals, multiple barns, windmills, and waterwheels.

Whoa! Slow down. Homesteading is hard work. If you haven’t experienced that lifestyle before, you need to start small.

For example, you can begin by raising chickens and growing herbs. Chickens are one of the easier animals to keep. They’re a good test as to whether you can handle animals at all.

If the chickens work for you, graduate to the next animal — maybe turkeys or another relatively easy fowl. Build your dream homestead bit by bit.

3. Study up on this lifestyle
You don’t need a special degree to homestead. However, you will need to learn some practical skills, especially if you’re not used to working with your hands.

There are tons of great online videos of homesteaders sharing their knowledge. There are also books that pass on the priceless wisdom of past generations — people who knew how to survive much better than most people today.

In other words, be prepared to invest time studying!

Homesteading may appeal to many people, but it’s definitely not for everyone. Before getting carried away by your dreams of a “perfect” self-sustaining life, think hard about these points. If you’re not deterred by the challenges, you may open yourself to a very fulfilling life!




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