Is It Okay to Complain to God?

By pintswaquinas November 7, 2023

Catholics have PLENTY to complain about: the crackdown on beautiful Latin Mass communities while liberal clergy seemingly get an easy pass; the encroachment of the LGBTQ+ agenda in Catholic schools and parishes; and our increasing sense of alienation and isolation among secular family members, friends, and coworkers.

With all of that, we often feel guilty about complaining to God. Instead, we let these frustrations build in our hearts until we’re steaming like kettles.

There’s a difference between complaining to God and complaining about God. Here’s why we should bring our grievances to Him.

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This shows our childlike trust in Him.
Children complain to their fathers because they trust that they can make things right. God calls us to approach Him in a childlike spirit. He wants to know everything that hurts us and how bad the pain is.

When talking to God, be reverent but honest. As a good Father, God knows our needs but wants us to communicate them to Him.

For example, if the Church hierarchy is frustrating you, tell God plainly, “I don’t understand the Holy Father. I don’t understand the bishops.” If you listen closely, you may hear Him reply, “Do you think those concerns originate in your heart? You’re echoing what’s in my heart.”

The Bible canonizes prayers of complaint.
The Psalms are the only prayers the Church says 24/7. Of the 150 Psalms, roughly 40% are called Psalms of Complaint. For example, Psalm 22 begins with, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Why art thou so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry by day, but thou dost not answer.”

Remember, all of Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit, including these Psalms of Complaint. God shows us that He wants us to approach Him in this way.

It’s 100% OK to complain to God. Just always do it as a prayer. Pray without ceasing and frequent the sacraments. That way — no matter what befalls you — you are assured of eventual victory over your trials.


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