How Traditional Catholics Must Respond to Latin Mass Restrictions

By pintswaquinas October 17, 2024

In 2021, Pope Francis released a decree, Traditionis Custodes, which put restrictions on the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass. Traditional Catholics worldwide were heartbroken. Under Pope Benedict XVI, greater freedom was allowed for the celebration of the beautiful ancient liturgy and new Latin Mass communities sprung up worldwide.

Now that progress has slowed and even reversed in certain cities. While some Traditional Catholics are still blessed to have a Traditional Latin Mass community nearby, many others don’t.

How are we to respond to Pope Francis’ decree?

Hold your anger in check.
Charity must reign supreme. If you let your anger consume you, you’re at risk of crossing dangerous boundaries. We see this with certain individuals and groups whose anger has brought them to the brink of schism.

We’re not saying anger is never warranted. But, so often, it does us more harm than good. As our friend Joseph Pearce said, “The only person I trust to turn over the tables in the temple is Jesus Christ.” If we lose charity, we’re on the wrong side even if we’re saying the right things.

Respond to those who put down the Latin Mass calmly and prayerfully. When you let yourself get too angry, you do more harm to the traditionalist movement and can perpetuate the critical response of liberals in the Church.

Practice the right kind of love.
In Christianity, love is not an emotion. It’s a rational choice to will the good of another person. Being loving doesn’t mean you must agree with everything someone says. But it does call you to sacrifice your animosity and work for the greater good, even if that means rejecting the impulse to speak ill of the pope.

If you want the Traditional Latin Mass to flourish, become a saint.
Our sole purpose here on earth is to get to heaven. If you keep that in mind and live your life accordingly, you’ll have more credibility than if you engage in divisive behavior. Christ assured us that if we sought first the Kingdom of Heaven, everything else we need will be given to us.

Speak respectfully of the pope even if you disagree with him.
Like him or not, Pope Francis is the Vicar of Christ. We must obey him when he authoritatively teaches or legislates. But we don’t have to agree with every off-the-cuff remark he utters or action he takes. Nor do we have to listen to anyone who draws meaning from his words beyond what he intended.

The pope needs our prayers, so let us offer our Rosaries for him today, so that he may have clarity of thought and strength to carry out God’s will.


The video accompanying this blog is our discussion with Joseph Pearce about this topic. As many of you know, Pearce is also a huge fan of “The Lord of the Rings.” Be sure to check out his excellent book “Frodo’s Journey: Discover the Hidden Meaning of The Lord of the Rings” in our online store.


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