Assisted Suicide and the Left’s Plan to Control Language

By pintswaquinas April 25, 2023

Today, assisted suicide is becoming more widely accepted and legal in many parts of the world — something that would have been unthinkable not too long ago.

How did this happen? Part of it was through the manipulation of language. Anyone who has read George Orwell’s “1984” knows the power of changing language to control minds.

Let’s take a look at how assisted suicide has become more widespread by Leftists rephrasing the debate to change minds.

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Assisted suicide
Assisted suicide is when a patient kills him or herself with a doctor’s assistance (euthanasia is when the doctor directly kills the patient). This phrase was used for a long time — even up until the last decade as more places began legalizing the practice.

But there was a problem with using this phrase. You can’t sell suicide. The vast majority of people don’t see suicide as positive. That’s because many people know someone they love who is (or has been) suicidal and whom they’ve desperately tried to help. They didn’t want them to commit suicide because it would break their own hearts.

Leftists decided to move away from the word “suicide” to phrases that could better sell their agenda.

Medical aid in dying and end-of-life care
Don’t both of those phrases sound nice? After all, who wouldn’t want medical aid on their deathbed? If someone asked you if you were against medical aid in dying, you’d feel compelled to say “no,” otherwise, you’d sound heartless.

But while “medical aid in dying” and “end-of-life care” once made you think of palliative care, now they often mean a lethal injection.

This is just one of many examples of the Left trying to change language to change minds. We see it with the LGBTQ agenda. We see it when abortion is called “women’s reproductive care.”

Maybe it’s time we take George Orwell’s warning and recognize that we’re being duped by simple changes in the way we speak. And let’s make sure we’re using our own language to clearly (though prudently) speak the truth to a world becoming more consumed by the Culture of Death.


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