3 Ways Protestants Are Better Evangelists Than Catholics

By pintswaquinas November 14, 2023

Even many very devout Catholics fall short when evangelizing. Yet, we all know those Protestants who boldly approach family members, friends, coworkers, and even strangers, asking them, “Have you been saved?”

Overall, Protestants are crushing Catholics in the evangelization game. Here are some things they can teach us about winning more souls for Christ.

They’re better at getting people in the door.
Most of the battle is helping people take that first step to believe in Christ. Protestants excel in this — although their message of “once saved, always saved” sounds too good to be true because it is.

We can’t lead with this line. Instead, share how Jesus has personally worked in your life. You’ll be surprised how effective that can be!

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They’re more involved in small groups.
You’ll find everything from Bible studies to prayer groups in a Protestant church. Many Catholic parishes have some of these as well, but they’re often very small. Most in the parish don’t participate.

There is a downside to many Protestant groups, though. They often don’t like to get into deep theology. Therefore, Bible studies often revolve more around each member’s interpretation of the text rather than digging into the deeper theological meaning.

This is a chance for parishes to offer something theologically more in-depth to build their own small groups.

They exercise initiative.
Too often, lay Catholics passively sit in the pew and expect their pastors to do all the evangelizing. But while clergy are the chief evangelizers in parishes and dioceses, the laity are called to share Christ in their homes and workplaces (working in union with the hierarchy, of course).

Protestants generally have a better sense of their responsibility to spread the reign of Christ, even if it’s marred by a faulty theology of the nature of the Church.

These are generalizations — there are many great Catholic evangelists out there. But it’s clear we’re falling short of our divine mandate. Let’s step it up and go save some souls!


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