3 Reasons You Should Become Catholic

By pintswaquinas December 9, 2022

Are you a non-Catholic considering joining the Church? Or a Catholic who wants to help a non-Catholic friend convert?

Being Catholic is the most amazing thing on earth. There are hundreds of reasons why you should become Catholic.

Don’t worry, we’re not actually going to list all of them! Here are three of them.

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1. Becoming Catholic will take your spiritual life to the next level

Catholicism is overflowing with devotions and spiritualities to choose from. You have the Rosary, the Divine Mercy chaplet, the Liturgy of the Hours, and so much more!

These different devotions fit people with different temperaments and vocations. Some are best suited to priests and religious. Others help married couples find holiness in the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Catholic devotions are also helpful for people who struggle with spontaneous prayer. Some people have trouble thinking of the words on their own. Some never learned how to pray. Using established prayers from the Church or the saints teaches you how to address God and what to ask Him for.

A word of caution: Don’t go overboard by trying to do too many devotions. Find a few that best suit your state in life. It’s better to do a few devotions well than a dozen half-heartedly. If you’re unsure which to choose, ask a spiritual director.

2. You get to live the mysteries of the Faith each year through the liturgical calendar

For most Christians, faith isn’t just an idea. It’s built on historical events — instances where God intervened in history in a special way. Of course, the most important of these is the Resurrection. St. Paul said, “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (1 Cor. 15:14).

Many Christian communities commemorate the chief events of salvation history, especially Christmas and Easter. But Catholics go way further. Our liturgical calendar is full of saints’ days and commemorations for the many different mysteries of our faith.

The liturgical calendar ensures that we periodically call to mind our spiritual heritage and live it out in our daily life. It also helps us realize that God’s plan is still unfolding toward its culmination in the great wedding feast in the kingdom of heaven.

3. You join a huge spiritual family

The word “Catholic” means “universal.” Few other Christian communities have such a worldwide presence as the Catholic Church.

But the Church is also universal in the sense that we are united to the Church Suffering in Purgatory and the Church Triumphant in heaven. We can pray for those in Purgatory, and Jesus hears those prayers. We can talk to the saints and the Blessed Mother in heaven and ask for their intercession.

Sadly, many Protestant communities don’t believe in praying to the saints. They’re missing out on experiencing an incredible spiritual family bond!

There simply isn’t anything that beats being Catholic. If you feel God tugging your heart toward His Church, don’t be afraid! The rewards are far above anything you get from this life.



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