Don’t Be a Cringe Catholic

By pintswaquinas October 31, 2024

“Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.” — St. Francis of Assisi

Hopefully, you’re passionate about the Catholic faith and want others to share your holy joy. After all, the Lord calls you to bring people to the knowledge and love of Him.

But be careful. While you may see yourself as enthusiastic, others may see you as cringey. Instead of attracting souls to Christ, you might repel them.

Locals with Matt Fradd Pints with Aquinas

Here are some ways to be authentic without being cringey.

Use quiet witness rather than pressure.
Pray before meals even in restaurants. It’s a powerful witness that shows that you really do practice what you preach.

But don’t ask your non-religious friends to pray with you. It could make them feel awkward, putting up a barrier to their conversion.

Similarly, praying the Rosary silently on a park bench is often more powerful than confronting people walking their dogs and reading Scripture to them.

Many people see religious individuals as salespeople. If you simply live an authentic Catholic life, you’ll attract far more unbelievers than if you pontificate on the streets.

Don’t be cringey to other Catholics.
Ever gone to a Holy Hour and seen someone saying their prayers out loud or being wildly expressive with their gestures? Talk about cringe.

They may be genuine, but their behavior distracts other people trying to pray.

Others treat their personal liturgical or devotional tastes as superior. But just because a certain form of Mass and a particular devotion work well for you doesn’t mean they’re the best for someone else. The Church allows for diversity in worship and spirituality. Respect that.

Ultimately, it comes down to being humble. You are an instrument of God, not the main actor in the story of salvation. Joyfully spread the Good News, but know your small place in the grand scheme of things.





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