5 Tips for Praying the Rosary When It’s Hard

By pintswaquinas July 31, 2024

The Rosary is the quintessential Catholic prayer. Great graces are in store for those who say it devoutly.

But it’s also a long prayer, and many people struggle to say it daily. If you’d like to become more consistent in praying the Rosary—especially when you don’t feel like it—follow these five tips.

1. Make an act of humility.
Your disposition affects the quality of your prayer. Remember that you are dependent on God for EVERYTHING. Left to your own devices, you’ll fail. Instead of approaching the Rosary with an attitude of “Look at me getting all holy,” think, “God, I need you.”

All prayer is an encounter with Jesus Christ. To acquire humility, begin every decade of the Rosary with an act of faith in the presence of Christ. Don’t treat this as something to race through and check off your list, though.

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Important note: It’s OK if you don’t feel Christ’s presence or at all humble. Prayer isn’t about manufacturing warm fuzzy feelings. It’s about being faithful to God regardless of your emotions.

2. Use your imagination.
When you arrive at one of the Mysteries—let’s say, the birth of Jesus—try to imagine yourself there. Picture the face of baby Jesus. Look into His eyes and see the deep love He has for you. Maybe through this, He says something to you; maybe He doesn’t. But stay in his presence as you pray the next decade and then replace it with an immersive image from the next Mystery.

As with emotions, our imagination isn’t always as fertile as we’d like it to be. If you don’t feel inspired, think about something you want to talk to Jesus about and then petition Him.

3. Keep praying the Rosary.
G.K. Chesterton said, “If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.” In other words, it’s better to keep up the practice of saying the Rosary, even if you’re not that good at it.

The spiritual life consists of ups and downs. Consistency is what wins you the race, not saying your prayers perfectly each time.

4. Carry a Rosary with you.
Let’s be honest: It’s much easier to pray the Rosary if you have a physical one with you. You can pull it out at a moment’s notice during lunch breaks, on walks, or after doing the dishes. If you invest in a more expensive Rosary, you’ll be less likely to lose it.

5. Think of an intention you want to offer up.
That will make your Rosary feel more personal and urgent. If you’ve let the day slip by without saying the Rosary, bring this intention to mind to motivate you. Your “why” will inspire you to accomplish your “what.”

Try these five tips for at least nine days and then reassess your spiritual progress. If you’re like us, you’ll want to continue praying the Rosary daily to draw upon the gifts God wants to give you through the intercession of His mother.


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