3 Reasons You Should Make Friends With the Saints

By pintswaquinas December 15, 2022

The Catholic Church is one big spiritual family. And we don’t mean just here on earth — although we are more than a billion strong worldwide. The saints in heaven are also united to us in the Mystical Body of Christ.

The saints are aware of us and our needs. Don’t think of them as merely historical figures, but as ever-present spiritual companions.

Here are a few reasons why you should make friends with the saints.

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1. They are the best role models.
Saints are people who made it to heaven. That makes them the best role models for us. After all, that is our ultimate goal, right?

If you were baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church, then you likely took the name of a saint in each sacrament. You should pray to these saints a lot, for you are under their patronage.

Another awesome thing about the saints is that you can find them in every state of life. Sure, there are more officially canonized saints who are priests and religious. But there are also married saints who show that holiness is within reach of those living ordinary lives in the world.

Plus, there are more saints in heaven than those who are officially recognized as such by the Church. This means there are likely a TON more married saints we’ve never heard of!

2. They show that we all have a role to play in God’s plan.
God wants to involve us in His plan of salvation. That includes you! But it may often feel like you’re too insignificant to matter to God.

The saints show this to be false. Many saints came from humble backgrounds and were not great by the world’s standards. Some suffered from chronic illness and pain. Yet God used them to bring people back into communion with Him.

You don’t have to be a missionary or martyr to be a saint. You simply have to follow God’s will in your vocation.

If you’re faithful, God will do amazing things through you!

3. Their intercession is powerful before God.
The saints know what it’s like to see God face to face. They want you to do the same and stand ready to intercede for you.

Find a few saints that you’re especially drawn to and pray to them. Definitely include your patron saints, but also consider saints that shared the same vocation or line of work as you during their lifetime.

The saints now live with perfect charity, so God hears their prayers. Take advantage of this!

Let’s face it, many people feel lonely. Despite our connections via social media, they feel like there’s no one to look after them.

But the saints are always watching us. They love us and want to accompany us on our life’s journey. We need their help, so let’s joyfully embrace it!


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